My Knitting Background

My grandmother and mother taught me to knit as a child, but they only taught me to cast on, knit and purl.  So, as you can imagine, I lost interest and didn’t pick up knitting needles again until about 7-8 years ago.  Thanks to knitting books and internet videos, I taught myself to increase and decrease, and a whole new world of knitting was opened up to me.  No more plain scarfs for me!  I love trying new patterns and learning  new knitting skills.  Recently, I’ve started adding my own touches to the patterns I knit and I hope this will lead to me try my hand at designing my own patterns.  I love knitting and it has totally consumed my life.  I actually get withdrawals if I have to go several days without knitting.  I also have a thing for yarn.  I seem to have collected quite a stash in the last several years… but really, can a girl have too much yarn?

2 Responses to “My Knitting Background”

  1. jacqsierae2012 March 19, 2014 at 6:21 am #

    For a long long time…I thought I was the only one in the world, who was addicted to yarn.
    I am disabled with very much pain in my lower back and legs. Yarn,knitting,crocheting,loom knitting and small loom weaving, has helped me greatly in my life, by distracting the pain,
    When I was able to get out more…I also collected old knitting and craft books. In fact, there was a couple of yours I saw that I have also! How exciting those 1940 fashions were!

    • Kim D. April 14, 2014 at 10:34 pm #

      Thank you for watching the podcast! I’m sorry to hear about all your pain. I agree that crafts such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc can really be a great comfort. Aren’t those old fashions neat? I too love the 40’s!

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